
First, Second, and Third John is unavailable, but you can change that!

Commenting on First John, Martin Luther made this eloquent and true statement: "This is an outstanding Epistle. It can buoy up afflicted hearts. Furthermore, it has John's style and manner of expression, so beautifully and gently does it picture Christ to us." Modern critical studies have often presented the Gospel and Epistles of John as the capstone of the development of theological and...

as in 2:7–11, the contrast between love and hate is sharply drawn, an expression of John’s dualistic mode of thought. In fact, the hatred, and perhaps particularly the hatred of the world for the beloved community, is personified and illustrated in Cain, who for the moment serves as a kind of antitype to Christ. The teaching of love is now grounded not only in Jesus’ words but also in his action, his death. Again, one calls to mind the word of the Gospel (15:12–13) and is also reminded of what Paul
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